Thursday, March 27, 2008
Three things i last bought- paint brushes. like big ones
- masking tape.
- blades. lots and lots of blades. oh! and water...all because of xin you. hahaha
Three people i want to meet for the first time
- james marsters. james marsden. hehe too different people with very similar names :P
- lee hom!!!
Three things i ate this morning
- this really weird mee thing. which joshua helped me finish. wahahaha
- nips! (:
- twisties hehe
Three books i last read
- picture perfect (: sooo nice. thank you su ann for introducing me to jodi picoult
- er..the dictionary?
- oh! i read some narnia thing hahaha
The most overused phrases
- you know what....i normally never complete this sentence. hehe
- omg omg
- shit. the similar term in so many sentences (: see i dont swear wan i dam good.
Three stupid things i did when i probably should've known better
- sat beside joshua lam hahahahahaha ^^
- said alot of useless things
- did not study physics....T.T
Three aims to be achieved this year
- get 20A1's. i know i dam nerd and this wont happen since i only took 10 subjects :D
- stay 44kg. please please
- grow. a foot. i know i dam greedy
Three overdramatic rumours about me
i dont really get rumours least not that i know of. oh! got one rumour. that i like a guy. i dont want to elaborate cause very sakit hati when think about it. T.T
Three misconceptions people have about me
- that i study everyday. hahaha you think i that rajin meh?
- that i am noisy. T.T im not noisy!
- that i am sick....i damn innocent la ok (:
Three favourite comfort food.
- nasi lemak nasi lemak
- chicken (: like anything chicken
- haha mcd?
Three things i should be doing instead now
- er making boxes.
- watch shang chuen DIE in rugby. damn evil right (:
- run around.
joshua still beside me T.T i want to die... like now!
10:22 AM
by sha sha
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
time has brought about change.i am going to move my blog. soon.
12:34 AM
by sha sha
Sunday, March 23, 2008
a long time ago i thought people who cried everyother day or hour for that matter, were weak. feeble. delicate. people who never heard of self-control and who time and again chose the faint-hearted way to handle.a little too sensitive for the world who knows nothing of mercy. toughen up la right? there's nothing important enough for you to pour your heart out, right?i know now, how very very wrong i was. sorry.
10:09 PM
by sha sha
Friday, March 21, 2008
i just re-read my post... why are the full stops so invisible @@is anyone else finding it hard to read????
11:48 PM
by sha sha
you know, i probably should have dropped chem. its just such a rediculus subject.i detest it so much i never want to see another carbon compound in a very bad mood now, because i know none of you people have good moods anyway right? they are just so few to come by we should treasure every moment. like bio class. oh, how i loved bio class.... even though some people made me lose a markhahaalso right, i want a thing that i can talk to. like a cat. i dunno why a cat but the word cat suddenly appeared. so yea, i want a cat. cause right, you can talk to the cat, and like forever the cat will tell you what you want to hear.i mean, can you imagine the cat telling you, 'no, don't do that really stupid thing you're thinking off' see.. cats are good. and no i don't want a dog, i mean i like dogs, but dogs are just so...big. and they look like they can eat you. oh who am i kidding my mum wont let me have a cat -____-now who will i talk to?
11:26 PM
by sha sha
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
this time around, exams were reaaalllyyyy bad. cause right i didnt really bother to study. so i didnt do very well compared to math, i got 74. i NEVER get that bad..with some exceptions la. and like now, i think the new teacher hates me cause i was lik bugging him to get 1 mark. i want an A la. shoot me -__- if my best subject, yes i know you're calling me a nerd now but! math is just easy la ok, anyway if i cant even do well for math then really just dielaand then...they say the people who went for the seminar wont have to retake the moral paper, but then now. we most probably hav to.damn fed up la. why like thissss wan?
8:25 PM
by sha sha
Monday, March 17, 2008
i am tired of being unhappy. is it so impossible to be, for a single day, truly content?screw it la. how come eveytime something good happens something bad is just waiting around the corner. always the SAME bad thing somemore. its like, leave me alone to be happy for just 15 minutes. just 15 minutes of pure bliss.sigh. anyway, i finished the essay. and. it kinda really sucks. not my fault ok! extreme time constriction. hmph. anyway the point of telling you this is that i realised, i truly do torture my sister.hehehecause right, everytime i write something (apart from my blog posts) i MUST HAVE her approval. everthing from essays to short nonsense. i MAKE her read everything a few times if i have to and she'll tell me what she thinks about it.i know im a terrible person. but! you see right...i need to know if my essays are berkaiber ke tak. then after she approves i feel confident to pass it up.heheokok...i better go do lisan nowsigghhhhhhhi hate la. everything
9:54 PM
by sha sha
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
sigh. i love that feeling of relief. its wednesday, i've finished every homework i can think of with the exception, of course, of an essay. im working on it though (: i emailed my emails and planned out the whole campaign thingi with shu sim.oh, and my sis got 10A's for spm. 5A1's 5A2's and 1B4..for bio.i know what you're thinking, shalani is soooooooo screwedand you are very, very right. how the HELL am i gonna beat 10A's. i mean, i'll be happy with like...8 - -but its ok (: for now, not thinking about it will make it go away. heheheHe began panting, apprehensive about what was about to come. ‘Breathe,’ he told himself again and again but to no avail. Nothing can prepare you for something like this, something that can either make or break you, on stage in front of thousands of viewers. He fiddled with his tie, trying to give more room to breathe without actually loosening it. His tux was tightening around his skin, he never felt more uncomfortable. Then, he heard delirious clapping as his opponent walked down the steps, ‘They’re all yours,’ said Robert Cage with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Exhaling out loud, he found his way to centre stage. ‘Breathe.’the first paragraph of the essay. its not that wonderful, but i like it. ><>
11:50 PM
by sha sha
Monday, March 10, 2008
everythings over, you told me it'll be right here waiting. now, where are you?
everythings gray now.
12:37 AM
by sha sha
Sunday, March 9, 2008
as promised..the longest tag thingi you will ever findSkin Care
What facial cleanser do you use?
er...nuskin? i think thats how u spell it (google doesnt have the picture -_-)
What moisturiser do you use?
wat moisturiser? hehe
How many times a day do you wash your face?
hm..3 if u count water-on-face, 2 if includes like actual washing
Do you use eye make up remover?
i dont use eye make up why need the remover (:
Is your skin oily, dry or combination skin?
it is... mix like some parts normal some oily.. i doubt i have dry skin o.o
What is the best part about your skin?
o.o it isnt like dark dark hehe but you know, its not only cause of my mum being chinese and all cause seriously my dad isnt that dark hehehe
What are your skin problems?
like any other person, my skin is....out of control ><>... pimple la
Make Up
( prepared to witness patheticness-i dont care that its not a real word hehe)
What foundation do you use?
i dont -_-
What powder do you use?
i dont -__-
What eyebrow pencil do you use?
i dont -___- you know what, who actually uses an eyebrow pencil anyway?
What eyeliner do you use?
oh oh! i HAVE an eyeliner (:(: finally...anyway i dont use it but still
What is your favourite eyeshadow?
i dont have one ):
What mascara do you use?
i have a purple one (: skinfood, courtesy of cy
What are your favorite lipbalms/glosses/sticks? sister HAS one.. body shop
i like watermelon (

Do you colour your hair?
nope (: 100% natural
What is your stylist’s name?
o.o he has big hair... like hamster hehehe
What salon do you go to?
the one that has a big picture of this person with crazy hair..yes i am well aware that every shop has that (:
What is your natural hair color?
black..but some people told me its slightly brown before (: i blame it on lighting
What is your hair color now?
black.. you know i never thought about dying my hair.. maybe ill do it one day @@!
Do you have straight or curly hair?
hm hm wavy! i do not have curly hair i do not have curly hair ><> all of ya'll who think otherwise can go to hell
Do you use a curling iron?
hell no (read above statement of how i truly detest curly hair)
A straightener?
sisters one but i use it (: at times so that my out-of-control hair is a little more controlable
What kind?
okok its blue...and it has the word philips beside it...
Do you use a blowdryer?
...wat does that even mean
Do you use gel and if so, what kind?
hell no...omg this tag thing is so unreasonable, why cant they ask about something i actually HAVE for gods sake
Do you use mousse, and if so, what kind?
.....what did i tell you
What shampoo do you use?
oh finally...sunsilk (: black
What conditioner do you use? 
Do you use leave in conditioner?
i bought one before but for some reason it never really worked ):
okok...i am so sorry but something is happening to my computer so i cant finish the tag thingi -__-but i think its pretty obvious that i am absolutely PATHETIC hehehe (:
11:30 PM
by sha sha
Sunday, March 2, 2008
aite so today i was going to blog about how omg i failed math and add maths and bmbut right, im gonna talk about something more... er, close to home.yesterday on the 29th of February, yea the day on the leap year, my great grand mother passed away.we werent close or anything, i mean when i found out i was smiling and stuff. but today i went to her funeral, my first indian funeral. the only other time i've been to a funeral was my grandmother's one a few years back, a chinese one. yes, my grandmother, who was 92 when she passed on 5 years ago, left before my grandmother, age 89 this year. i think.interesting right? its because my mum is older than my dad by 2 years and she's the youngest in her family while he's the oldest. so in the end everybody on my chinese side is like really old compared to my dads side.heheheomg, how i digress -_-ANYWAY, when i went to her funeral today, it was really sad and i really regreted not talking to her or paying any attention whatsoever. its like i didnt make any impact. oh, btw, she really liked my mum. which is a pretty big deal cause shes chinese and all. see how my family is so united (:omg, not again...ANYWAY, i regret like alot... so im going to start talking to everybody.... like, since i haven updated in like 2 weeks, cause of exams and crazy internet connection, ill post pictures! (:, i am very focused in my work hehe
hehe me studying although you cannot see any books on the table, i am studying ok.
this was taken during prefects camp (: from left, me, siew kheng and aishah.
oh! and as promised, the picture of the turtle bookmark i was suppose to post up a few weeks ago
see i compensate not blogging for a long time by giving you long post :P
edit: omg i just saw eewah's blog and the whole tagged thingi. sounds interesting. cher did it too hehe..if i do it ill probably do it after exams :'(
12:58 AM
by sha sha
hi ^^
im 16, love to watch tv, eat n enjoy sleeping. i hav uncontrolable hair but i love it all the same.
im weird but among my frends i m indeed sane. im a complete ass to my sis, i cant help it
oni talk to ppl i know :D hehe...most ppl scare me
food ^^ some say im picky but if i really lik somethin, ill eat it all day :)
LEE HOM, i buy anythin wif his face on it, well almost everything
i m a good student, yes i m. but form 4's an ass so i dun do my hw :)
tv...i like cartoons lik spongebob n lazy town :D dam interesting. other shows i lik r incredibly random, too lazy to write them down
BlacK is my favvv colour ^^
i lik coconut...gonna make a point to eat it more
new com not nice oso :(
a tv
a new pair of pants :D
jay chao's album......maybe even rain
to go buffet... wahahaha
watch movies i missed since last year ^^
meet lee hom = =, ok his new movie :D
a new fossil watch...hopefully digital :)
Use the hearts to navigate ^^
1. My posts
2. Random stuff
3. Links
4. Tagboard
hey...welcome to my blog, feel free to move around. i write whenever i lik meaning i might not update for weeks or update trice a day :D n im kinda lazy so u can expect wat will happen.
so the title of tis thing is DESTINY but honestly i just choose it lik really fast n mostly coz its black ^^ but the eagle thing is pretty cool la
my infatuation. an agreeable rapture. seemingly inevitable. I fade away, adrift in his presense. craving our idle banter although to him, im expendable.
to love him is to be punished with no certainty of escape.
anyway..tqz 4 visiting, come bak again k? hehe bye bye