Monday, February 18, 2008
you know, i'm not ok. and right now i just really wanna talk. like talk and talk and talk about all this stuff that i've been planning to say all this time.but right now i having noone to turn to. no one who wants to listen.if someone who cares, who actually realized that i am in NO way ok asked me wats wrong. then i'll pour my heart out. every last piece.
6:53 PM
by sha sha
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
she asked, 'how does that make you feel?'shocking indeed, coming from someone who has only known me for about an hour or so. shocking because, no one has ever asked me that question before.really, i have thought about it many a time before but thats only normal. others never realize why this sucks. hell, they dont know it sucks at all. even if they do they ignore it i mean really, its not that big a deal. but for someone of her stature to understand at lease a lil' bit that stuff like this can effect a person,well, its a little reassuring a guess (:i did not see a psychiatrist ><> pls forgive the vague-ness of this post but for reasons i cannot mention i cannot say what exactly it is that she asked me.
11:55 PM
by sha sha
Friday, February 8, 2008
happy chinese new year (: melaka was fun... getting ang pau was also very the fun.and of course not having to do ANY form of work was seriously fun.playing with cute nieces ( i know her name! tzhi ying... i think. impossible to pronounce ) was like hell fun. ok im running out of variations for fun. shoot me.and eating ALOT of cookies that taste like ohmygod delicious was pure ecstasy.
i never really realized but cny is actually pretty cool (: im liking it. and normally i dont stay over during this time of year but but this year i did :P heheheand i ate like this super cendol thingi that had lots and lost of gula melaka. damn why did i not take picture ><>ok..i was going to post up a picture.... but my picture-putting-button doesnt work -___-till next time then (:
10:22 PM
by sha sha
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
today i went to 2 places. the first was yian huei's house (god i hope i spelt her name correctly) and then after i went to a small family reunion before cny (:yian huei's house was honestly pretty chun. and and it was a bangalow and had like these super high ceilings with pretty lights that er... ok i dont know how to describe but they were cool la!damn should have taken picture ):anyway, the four of us went to the playground after that and it was soooooo wonderful cause i haven been to a decent playground in AGES.and...i played with the swing!! ^^
the picture should be like framed man i almost slipped off trying to get a decent photo.
me looking down cause yian huei is swinging higher than me :'(
me and aishah! my hair is messy cause of the wind ok -__-
i cant remember the last time i just lepak-ed at a friends house. it was great really (: i need more house-lepaking from now on.
so later right, i went to the family reunion thingi at some restaurant place that was decent enough la. food was nothing to shout about but it was fun seeing some old faces ^^
my nephew who's name i cannot spell ><> he normally loves the camera and is wayyyy cuter when he isnt hiding behind the chair.
my niece (: whos name i dont even know .i am not a bad aunt i am not a bad aunt. hey its not my fault ok shes only been around for about 6 months (:
the picture has no face because i was trying to pretend that i wasnt taking a picture cause people might think im some vain girl.
i wore red. cause people said red brings more ang pao. then why did i not receive anything tonight
anyway i had fun today (:
happy happy today.
Oh! and if u haven realized, my new resolution is to post more pictures on my blog! :D
11:46 PM
by sha sha
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
aite, i have been blogging for about a year now. and you would think i'd have an archive that'll blow your mind.BUT i have currently....77 wth? i've been writing for a whole YEAR and i only managed to churn out posts seventy-seven times?!?! ok so thats 77 divide 11 months, which equates to 7 posts a month, about 1.75 a on average i blog twice a week. which is actually quite alright.problem is, i distinctly remember after a few months of blogging that i had around 50 or so posts, meaning my ability to blog has significantly reduced due to my lazyness -___-this is so not the fair...
9:45 PM
by sha sha
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Eh eh... omg its been forever since i updated. Anyway today was Kah hean's birthday (: went to palace of the golden horses and had chun food with good company. was very happy i decided to go. the only problem was most probably choosing a birthday present for a guy. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE LAA -__-but i got something simple in the end (: i really hope he likes it..ah oh not that many cause i didnt bring my camera, had to depend on phone cam which isnt very wonderful but ah well,
me and cy in a wicked toilet :P
me and cy in another totally wicked toilet ^^
wilbur doing some pose that he really likes for some reason @@
and of course, the birthday boy (: why do you have to look gay in my picture -__- what u were wearing was actually very the nice la..oh oh he was white like me (:
me! hahahaoh ya, after the buffet i realized that if there was ever a mcd buffet, it would be TOTALLY awesome @@
i also realized that i need to get out of the house and i have no idea how. damn it ><>
10:44 PM
by sha sha
hi ^^
im 16, love to watch tv, eat n enjoy sleeping. i hav uncontrolable hair but i love it all the same.
im weird but among my frends i m indeed sane. im a complete ass to my sis, i cant help it
oni talk to ppl i know :D hehe...most ppl scare me
food ^^ some say im picky but if i really lik somethin, ill eat it all day :)
LEE HOM, i buy anythin wif his face on it, well almost everything
i m a good student, yes i m. but form 4's an ass so i dun do my hw :)
tv...i like cartoons lik spongebob n lazy town :D dam interesting. other shows i lik r incredibly random, too lazy to write them down
BlacK is my favvv colour ^^
i lik coconut...gonna make a point to eat it more
new com not nice oso :(
a tv
a new pair of pants :D
jay chao's album......maybe even rain
to go buffet... wahahaha
watch movies i missed since last year ^^
meet lee hom = =, ok his new movie :D
a new fossil watch...hopefully digital :)
Use the hearts to navigate ^^
1. My posts
2. Random stuff
3. Links
4. Tagboard
hey...welcome to my blog, feel free to move around. i write whenever i lik meaning i might not update for weeks or update trice a day :D n im kinda lazy so u can expect wat will happen.
so the title of tis thing is DESTINY but honestly i just choose it lik really fast n mostly coz its black ^^ but the eagle thing is pretty cool la
my infatuation. an agreeable rapture. seemingly inevitable. I fade away, adrift in his presense. craving our idle banter although to him, im expendable.
to love him is to be punished with no certainty of escape.
anyway..tqz 4 visiting, come bak again k? hehe bye bye