Monday, August 27, 2007
the ungrateful girl who apparently has been influenced by her 'terrible terrible' friends, got a lecture todayand the agreement that is supposedly going to solve my recent behavior would befor me not to use my phone after eleven p.m from monday to thursdayLIKE HELL IM GOING TO LISTENhow the hell is this suppose to stop me from rebelling (who cares whether its a real word or not im pissed = =) indifferent is how i feel right now.but fine, ill be a good girl and just shut up and nod and listen to every crappy rule.7 weeksjust give me 7 weeksill be the best god dam daughter and ill study my ass off for finals and then there cannot be ANY reason for you to keep me at weeks but worth the wait
10:28 PM
by sha sha
Saturday, August 25, 2007
well, i was going to post about my birthday and a dream about nasi lemak a few days ago but something else caught my attention n i decided agaisnt it.after much thought i have analysed n evaluated two different types of freinds. first is the type thats just really really nice and helpful and cares about everything. and theres the other that honestly doesnt give a shit if you died in a ditch somewhere.the second first, sad to say that people change and that my once good friend has left to be replaced by someone i dont know anymore. i doubt anyone knows her now. its so depressing that the LAST person u expect to change, changes so drastically beyond everyones belief. whats even more frustrating is how the change was caused by the arrival of a sinificant other. n how we all kinda have a thing with him now, sadly.i know im not alone when i say this but i miss my frend. she hardly talks to any of us anymore and i really dont think shes planning to any time soon. i mean wont anyone get angry if you're head over heals over your bf until u can miss your friend's birthday? n i mean dont insult me la give some crappy reason somemore. haihi just want my friend back :(
buttttt sometimes if your lucky enough u find a good friend ^^ apart from chi yee, yes i have to credit you if not you angry then masalah, i was surprised to find a good friend.a friend that helps you even though they might not benefit. no wait, they wont benefit, they waste their time to help n they know it but they DONT CARE. and thats what i admire. how i know you for only a short time but you are willing to help me when i needed it. no questions asked. thank you alot :) i wont forget.n yea sometime in the past i may have taken the friendship for granted but no more ^^ because i dam good learn from mistake dont wan to lose a good friend part is were not even that close and i can write bout how wonderful he is.
6:49 PM
by sha sha
Friday, August 17, 2007
dont u just hate it when the bad guy is nice. all u wanna do is set the bloody person on fire but their just so delightfully wonderful u know u cant get away with fine i cant do anything about this now.but you took alot from me. n i was dumb enough not to realize it at the time. i doubt u realized it until now. but theres no way ur getting this.for once. this is MINE and your god dam hands are not getting anywhere near it.
8:18 PM
by sha sha
Thursday, August 16, 2007
hey hey i officially declare tis blog alive once again :D
i damn good ok study lik hell for exams. the only reason im blogging now is bcoz theres math n eng tomorrow hehe n that i m extremely depressed n this is lik pemulihan. but that aside, pics of commencement
commencements was suppose to be a post by itself but to hell with it la i dam lazy now = =
actually got one more blacknwhite pic but cannot see properly so no need la ^^
im not sure why adzraai is biting his candle
-outside waiting to walk in. the people wax-ed my hp n my damn blazer ok = =
me looking at the prize i got. which turned out not to be mine coz they sent in my name late n therefore pen didnt arrive yet = =
fine fine so i dont hav any pics of the actual ceremony but its ok..:) overall everything was fun walked around alot hehe week is holidays n im hesitant whether or not to celebrate the bday. i doubt ill do anything interesting lik i planned earlier in the year. :( maybe just go out for a movie then belanja makan to some ppl.
n i dont really want anything...
just wanna be happy this year...n maybe a big hug wahahaha
n now i m so the depressed = = SIGH n if i feel lik it ill say why next week
but for now...*depression*
i say i dun wan means dun wan la. hell no im not gonna compromise.

you see i damn rajin study moral okkk. n thats my sisters pencil in my hair because i was so the lazy to get a rubberband ^^
10:57 PM
by sha sha
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
OMGwat happened to me T.Ti use to b so good at looking at u right in the eye and nod convincingly while tapping away at my phonealas the gift is gone. seriously i m in need of more sms-ing practicei therefore declare the last RM6.35 in my phone to improve my sms-ing ability n shall not rest until this sole purpose is fulfilled. hehe ^^o yea i got my phone bak! my dad wasnt exactly happy when it costed him 450 bucks but i m absolutely delighted. walalalan THANK GOD everything was in place when i got the phone. phew :)o yea.. after readin suann's blog, i realized i hav not taken the time to watch ALOT of movies. lik hello i m still spider man3 deprived (i din watch the movie coz i knew it would suck but still its tat kinda must-see thing) n harry potter deprived AND i wanna watch stomp the yard :(okok fine not tat many.. but tats not all ok! i just cant remember now n as u can tell im kinda rushing tis post ^^ hehe prize giving tomoroLabels: movies, phone
12:40 AM
by sha sha
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
hello ^^for the past few months i took a bunch of pics wif my phone wif the purpose of putting them up on my blog,
but knowing how incredibly lazy i m n bersikap tak kisah, i hav neglected to do so. hehehe thus, i hav a quite large amount of pics (for mela) in my phone
actually rite, i wanted to do this for a really long time but my memory card adapter comfortably hid itself somewhere in my room.
i found it on my table. hehe
so for this post i m goin to empty out my pics
oh yea, before i forget. i did the most ridiculus thing on planet earth. lik OMG i dropped my oh so wonderful lee hom w850i hp in the god dam toilet
= =
n oh yea! i passed probation......nnnnn im treasurer ^^ hehehe i can wear the uniform
i gotta make it a note to find out wat the treasurer does
ANYWAY, i really shud b studying pengaruh agama hindu buddha or wat ever the hell so ill just go rite to the pics.
... enjoy ^^no 1.
why do i hav this = =no 2.
i know i look stupid but i hav no braces. bronze expedition*
11:24 PM
by sha sha
hi ^^
im 16, love to watch tv, eat n enjoy sleeping. i hav uncontrolable hair but i love it all the same.
im weird but among my frends i m indeed sane. im a complete ass to my sis, i cant help it
oni talk to ppl i know :D hehe...most ppl scare me
food ^^ some say im picky but if i really lik somethin, ill eat it all day :)
LEE HOM, i buy anythin wif his face on it, well almost everything
i m a good student, yes i m. but form 4's an ass so i dun do my hw :)
tv...i like cartoons lik spongebob n lazy town :D dam interesting. other shows i lik r incredibly random, too lazy to write them down
BlacK is my favvv colour ^^
i lik coconut...gonna make a point to eat it more
new com not nice oso :(
a tv
a new pair of pants :D
jay chao's album......maybe even rain
to go buffet... wahahaha
watch movies i missed since last year ^^
meet lee hom = =, ok his new movie :D
a new fossil watch...hopefully digital :)
Use the hearts to navigate ^^
1. My posts
2. Random stuff
3. Links
4. Tagboard
hey...welcome to my blog, feel free to move around. i write whenever i lik meaning i might not update for weeks or update trice a day :D n im kinda lazy so u can expect wat will happen.
so the title of tis thing is DESTINY but honestly i just choose it lik really fast n mostly coz its black ^^ but the eagle thing is pretty cool la
my infatuation. an agreeable rapture. seemingly inevitable. I fade away, adrift in his presense. craving our idle banter although to him, im expendable.
to love him is to be punished with no certainty of escape.
anyway..tqz 4 visiting, come bak again k? hehe bye bye