they showed 3 movies in the duration of the trip; God of cookery [some stupid chinese movie = =] , some black n white beatles movie which was surprisingly not bad and a movie called G.O.D. lik wat...the ....hell
stupid, yes i know.
anyway in the bus it was raining and the raindrops did this really cool dance thingi on the window. the journey was bumpy so they moved in a long unbroken stair pattern instead of the regular vertical thing. i guess the long unbrokenness is coz of tat whole high cohesion capability of water. dam bio.
ANYWAY it was really pretty n for some reason i was just staring at it for a really really long time.
then my sis suddenly turned and was like 'they look lik worms.......DIS-GUS-TING'
we broke into laughter. my sis has tis rediculus ability to make me laugh at any time and place, which is y i love her oh so much ^^
well, i went to penang for my 2 lovely cousins, arv n ash. no need their full name la. :P
omg...i just realized i hav no pics of them o.o haiyo...nvm la
so after 2 nights in penang, me, sis, 2 cousins n their parents packed our bags for Swiss Garden Golf n Spa Resort in lumut, perak. the place was really really preeeeeeeety
hehe the best part was the beach was EMPTY n we sooo DOMINATED the whole place screaming n shouting with the waves. erm, there was tis sign tat said there were jellyfish around so we werent really keen to go far :D
instead we childishly made tis really cool sand castle thingi ^^
it was kinda cute. there wasnt any walls but there were sea shells n tis middle thingi tat looks lik angkor wat. wahahahahaa :D i think i hav a pic. hmm

tis bridge thingi was really pwetty *_* from right, sis, small couz ash, n yours truly.